Thursday, January 20, 2011

Beware The Man Cave! (Well Writing room)

So a few days ago, well a couple of weeks almost now, I had decided to enroll in the online course conducted by the Stratford Career Institute. Now I had been working on some ideas way way way before this decision and thanks to my girlfriend I had been convinced that the only way to start to be serious about the writing would be to have a serious place to go and write.

The Man cave was born! Well it is not so much of a cave as a big room down in the basement of our house. Also not so much a manly place either with the laundry room just a few steps away, but it is mine and will do me fine.

Already down in the man cave was a sofa, whose colors did not match the upstairs decor and yours truly now found in his place of creativity! Which actually was not a bad thing as it did give me a place to read, away from the somewhat calamity of a desk on which I had to work.

In the room also there was a book shelf with, well books and Roald Dahl collectibles and numerous folders which one day soon, I hoped, would be filled with weird and wonderful stories for children. Oh and I shouldn't forget a hole punch, stapler, paper clips and numerous pens, crayons, colored pencils and enough paper to make a Kindergarten teacher blush!

I hear you ask now why these most important of creative utensils were on a shelf and not readily at hand on my desk. Well, my friends, the answer is equal parts simple and sad. The only desk that could be afforded for this man-cave was a drawing desk. You know the type, the kind that lifts up to make it easier to draw. You can also add stuff to the sides I believe to be more accurate with the technical drawings. Either way it was sturdy, reasonably big and most certainly affordable!  

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