Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Writing Stories For Children - Stratford Career Institute

Well it is a new year and with it comes a new motivation. I have decided to start this blog and will track my progress as I start an online/correspondence course through the Stratford Career Institute (SCI). From the title of this piece you can see what the course is about and I am going into it not with the expectation of anything more than getting pointers and direction, feedback on work and possibly some contacts to boot.

Well today I have been delivered my first set of tasks in the mail. In the initial package from SCI there is an introduction booklet, a thick textbook and my first two assignments. The first assignment can be completed online for an instant grade and is a multiple choice question and answer deal. All the answers are in the book and instructions are to read a certain part of the text book and then answer 15 questions.

Now there is nothing to stop me from having the book directly open and searching for the answers within the book in order to ensure a good grade but at the end of the day it will not help me learn. I would rather read the book, take notes and only then view the questions. Again you can only take my word that I did this but as I said before I would only be cheating myself if I did it this way.

Either way I answered all the questions and missed three of the 15. I am kind of mad at myself right now because they do show you the ones you got wrong and the correct answers. Certainly had I taken my time just a little bit more I would have noticed the trick questions and got a better mark. 80% is not bad but not as good as I could have got.

I am still keen though and the second part of the first assignment is an actual creative one so hopefully this will give me a chance to flex my literary muscles! I must write a scene or part of a scene from a fictional storybook. I have an idea in mind and will let you know how I get on later.      

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