Friday, March 30, 2012

Illustrations Done.......I think

A lot has happened since we last spoke. The company that I was talking too suddenly decided to have someone else call me and the whole process started over again. Now luckily I hadn't put any money down or submitted anything of any real substance but it was certainly enough to put me off the whole process. Instead, and for better or worse, I decided to work on the illustrations myself and do everything through Createspace.

I went out to the local Hobby Lobby and bought some paper, water colors and some fine tip sharpie markers. After watching the Quentin Blake podcast last year I was inspired and decided to use basic drawings with water color paints to get my illustrations completed. The fine black sharpie was to out line the illustrations and give it that cartoon feel. Yes I know my old school teacher for Art would be rolling in her grave if she knew what I was doing.

She always used to tell me not to 'do thick black outlines' around my pictures! She would then say 'How many people do you see walking around with thick black outlines'. She had a point, even in my weird City. The fact is that I was never really any good as an artist, but I could do caricatures.

However the art teacher at this particular school didn't believe there was any value in cartoonists and most likely didn't even consider it art. Shame really but life goes on.

Anyway the bottom line is that I had a week off from my day job and set to work down in my new and improved art room at getting the illustrations done. I bought a scanner, completed the pictures and uploaded them to my computer. Now everything has been put into PDF format and ready to be uploaded to the publishing site. Fingers crossed, I hope you all enjoy it.    

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