Friday, March 25, 2011

SCI Lesson Number (CHC2D)

Again we revert back to the question and answer part of the course. This one is going to be very tough but also extremely important to understand if I am going to go ahead and get something published.

In this section I will learn about Publishers. I will be able to identify the various types which will allow me to only pester the ones interested in my work and leave the others alone. I will learn about the other types of publishers out there, vanity publishers and on demand publishers and all that jazz I assume.

This section will be vital in helping me understand all of the various cogs in the wheel and who does what and who should do what. Working with an Editor and working with an illustrator are going to be an inevitable part of y future if all goes well so I should prepare myself.

Twenty questions and only one missed so with a 95% grade for that exam I think I can be happy and move on to the next section.

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