Thursday, March 24, 2011

SCI - Lesson Two, Practical

I tend to get really excited with the practical aspects of this course. Certainly reading the text book is insightful and I really do get a ton of information from it, but it's the practical exams that I live for.

This one was a really good one also and I have just got my grades back for it. In this one I had to write a concept for a story, but not the whole story.

Starting off there was to be a one paragraph explanation of what the story will actually be about. This would be followed by a step by step bullet point outline of the story. All pretty straight forward and something I really enjoyed doing.

The story I was thinking of was one of a Zebra who in the great flood tries to get onto Noah's Ark. I thought it was pretty good and certainly funny and so I submitted it.

Again Meredith (instructor) loved it and put this into her comments:

Publishers have three reasons for asking these questions. They want to know if you are articulate which you definitely are. 
They want to know whether or not you would be easy to work with. Can you follow instructions? The answer is yes.
And they want to know if you are familiar with the field. So many people ignore the question of other writers. One could do worse than follow Roald Dahl's formula!
Your outline promises a delightful read    

94%. I think she may be in love with me!

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