Saturday, July 14, 2012

Book Number Two Underway

Well I am not exactly going to take a break from promoting my book but with the local paper carrying an article about it and now a store on board provisionally with stocking it I feel comfortable enough to move on to my next book.

Like I have said before a lot of my ideas for books have started as random poems written down in a quick stolen 15 minute break at work. Now that I have slightly more time, and become more serious with it, I can go back to the idea and work on fleshing it, making it a little more developed and ready for book form.

The one I have decided to go for with the next book is going to be titled 'When I Grow Up'. That will come as no surprise to anyone who read the article in the Public Opinion, either online or the physical paper.

To give you an outline of the book we all know that as Children we had weird and wonderful desires as to what career path we wanted to follow as we grew up. For me in particular it was a teacher, join the RAF and fly planes or a whole number of occupations in between.

The younger I was the quicker things would change and within the space of a week (or less) I could give five different people five different answers to the same question.

Hopefully this book will be available at the end of August and will include this time a page for the reader to draw their own ideal job. Maybe if I get some back then I can post them on here or my Facebook page (link below).

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