Monday, July 2, 2012

Promotion - Book Signings

So a few days ago I told you about going local with the papers. As of now I have only three responses. One was polite and gently told me that she didn't think her publication was right, another wanted to establish more about the book (as yet nothing back from my reply email) and the third questioned if I was even local! Keep the faith though, it just takes the one door to open! Anyway, no rest for the struggling writer and so onto the next part.

Independent Bookstores are always on the lookout for something new and exciting to draw in the crowds. What could be better than a local author to come in with his (or her) book and do a book signing?

Well with that in mind I took a similar tact as was taken with the Newspaper strategy. I again went to my trusty search engine and did a search for local independent bookstores in the area. Now as you may assume there are not many of these around but I must admit I was quite surprised.

Again the search yielded address, both physical and email along with contact information. I drafted a very nice letter detailing my plan and why I thought my book would be a hit and sent out the emails.

If you have the time and money it may be wise to type and send a letter via the regular post, maybe include a promotional postcard or something similar to whet the appetite. Again though I emailed them all today and await the responses.   

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